


2017年9月24日-9月30日,德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)将再次举办“博士后研究人员交流之旅(Postdoctoral Researchers' Networking Tour)”,为优秀的博士后研究人员提供了解德国最新科研以及就业市场的机会。今年的主题为材料科学和纳米技术。该项目将为参与人员提供:

• 实践为导向的多样化方案
• 在德国期间的相关花费(住宿,国内旅游,大部分餐费)
• 无第三方承担的机票费用 (允许同时参加其他专业研讨会且逗留时间超过五天)


Perspectives in German Materials Science and Nanotechnology (24.09.2017 – 30.09.2017)

Germany offers a broad spectrum of career options for young scientists at universities, research institutions and in industry. However, those who have never been to Germany and Germans who have been out of country for some time may not be familiar with recent developments and new opportunities.

Through its Postdoctoral Researchers’ Networking Tour the DAAD offers a new format to provide postdoctoral researchers with an insight into German science and the job market for highly qualified postdoctoral researchers.

This year’s networking tour focusses on materials science and nanotechnology and includes:

On-site visits to
research institutes

An insight into high level research projects in
materials science
and related research areas

Discussions with experts who have a profound understanding of
the German higher education system
funding opportunities
the job market
the start-up scene
the employer perspective
application procedures

Numerous networking opportunities with
representatives of business and academia
other tour participants.

The tour language is English. The detailed planning of the tour is currently in progress and regularly updated informationon the time schedule and the participating institutions is available here:

What we expect:

Applicants should
have obtained their PhD/doctorate no longer than 5 years ago and have not been living in Germany or affiliated to a German institution within the previous 12 months
have been researching in a subject area corresponding to the focus of the tour
have demonstrated high productivity and quality in their scientific work. This should be clearly documented in the list of publications, grants, patents and other achievements
have a genuine interest in taking the next step in their career in Germany and be able to demonstrate this (e.g. former or current cooperation, favourable research or career opportunities, specific career demands)
have exhibited drive and determination, initiative and a willingness to play a role in shaping the future.

What we offer:
a practice orientated and diverse programme to suit the requirements of the participants
coverage of programme related costs in Germany (accommodation, domestic travel, most meals)
a lump sum travel allowance if such costs are not borne by a third party. This will also be provided if the stay is extended by up to five working days in order to allow for additional professional networking.

Are you interested?
Then we look forward to receiving your application.

Please access the online application form here:

NB: A pdf-version of the application form will be available soon.

Application Deadline
The deadline for submitting your application is July 17, 2017, 12:00 noon CET.

Any questions?
Then please contact us at
0049-228-882-339, -439
