2019年6月3日 星期一
报告人:Cathleen Kantner教授(德国斯图加特大学社会科学研究所)
“Warand Intervention in the Transnational Public Sphere. Problem-Solving and European Identity-Formation”
Monday, June 3, 2019
Siping Road Campus, Tongji University
Room 1012,10th Floor, CD-Building
Speaker: Professor Cathleen Kantner (Institute for Social Sciences, University of Stuttgart)
Language: English
Host: German Studies Center, Tongji University
Abstract: The post-Cold War era saw an unexpected increase in intra-state violence against ethnic and religious groups, brutal civil wars and asymmetric conflicts. Those crises posed fundamental questions for the European Union and its member states, to which Europe has so far proven unable to develop satisfactory answers. Public debates over wars and humanitarian military interventions after the Cold War represent an evolving process of comprehension and collective interpretation of new realities. Looking at evidence from a wide range of countries, including Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and spanning a continuous period of 16 years, this book empirically analyses these shared understandings of the EU as a problem-solving and ethical community. Employing innovative computer-linguistic methods, it examines the dynamics of this debate across Europe and compares it to that of the United States. In doing so, it argues that transnational political communication has shaped European identity-formation in significant ways and that, in trying to come to terms with important crises and institutional events, shared understandings of Europe have emerged.